This is the first of a ‘mini newsletter’ from me. As your Club Secretary I would like to keep you up to date with what’s going on with the Club.
As you may be aware, the committee meets once a month. The committee that was elected in March have now had two committee meetings – the most recent being on May 9th. The majority of them are now held on line so it would be easy to pop in. Any member is welcome to attend.
We would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Kath for the recent success of the Crowdfunder she set up to support us in funding a replacement compressor. As you are all aware this was a huge success and thank you all for your contributions to this success – and to your friends/colleagues/families who kindly donated. We are now in a much stronger position to finance the compressor. As such then, we are now discussing the sale and removal of the ‘old’ compressor. We are now actively looking at various potential replacement compressors that best suit our Club’s needs. Of course, we will keep you updated of any developments.
Try Dives
To date we now have 30+ people waiting for Try Dives. This is an amazing number and I believe it has come about due to the revival and update of the club’s website: thanks to Vicky for all of her help in really getting the website up to date and current.
Henry, Steve and Yas are now looking at some additional dates for us to run Try Dives. These will be after the current Ocean Diver cohort have finished their pool training. We would be very grateful if any of you could help out on the Try Dive nights – in any capacity. The first Try Dive event is on Wednesday June 5th
Future OD Training
Yas, Steve and Henry are starting a new Ocean Diver training course in late September.
Vicky, our new Fundraising and Social Officer, is now looking at ways to continue fundraising for the Club. We need to do this as there are still the usual on-going continual costs in running a scuba club – for example, we have around 19 cylinders to test in the next few months.
Vicky will be posting social events on WA so please keep an eye out for them. Everyone is welcome!
Social Media
We are looking at expanding our current social media presence. We currently have a FB page ‘Leeds SCUBA Club’ and a website. We are going to expand to include tiktok, X and Instagram. This means a lot of work for Alex, our Comms officer! If any of you could spare a little time to assist Alex in developing these and would like to be part of a new ’Social Media Club Team’, then please let any of the committee know or contact Alex directly on What’s App.
Our Safeguarding and Welfare officer is Darren. The committee thought it would be appropriate to also have a female contact for any issues regarding S&W and Yasmine, our DO, has offered to be the contact.
At the moment, a calendar which outlines future dive and social events can be found on the club’s website in the members area. However as dates sometimes have to be moved for various reasons, the committee is setting up a ‘live’ Google calendar that all members will have access to. At the moment Vicky is working on that and we will let you have the link when it is ready. That way, you can have the most up to date information to hand.
That’s it, in a nutshell. If any of you have any questions at all about any of the above or anything that is Club related please ask any of our committee members.
At last it’s now diving season and we are looking forward to a safe and exciting few months doing what we all love doing! Have fun!
Until next time,
Jo Courtney
(Club Secretary/Vice Chair)